Morrison Polkinghorne

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Morrison’s art goes full circle

Morrison Border Times-4-feature-pic

Morrison’s art goes full circle. Morrison Polkinghorne premiers new works this week at Rosewood hotel, Phnom Penh. The exhibition, “Ikhon”, is a collaborative show, along with eight other Khmer and expat artists in Cambodia the kingdom.   In his earlier works Polkinghorne lived in Battambang, Cambodia for almost a decade, owned and ran an award […]

112,431 pin points


Ikhons Exhibition IKHONS 21 December – 20 February 2025 Rosewood Art Gallery – Phnom Penh. Curated by Tribe Gallery Siem Reap. Artwork Title Phnom Penh 1885 map with 9,876 pin pointsSingapore 1825 map map 11,454 pin pointsRangoon 1912 map with 11,691 pin pointsLondon 1688 map with 11,814 pin pointsSaigon 1790 map pin points12,329Paris 1900 map […]

Making a pigment from a rock


Making a pigment from a rock Crushing, grinding, sieving and mulling is how I commence my artwork.  For my new series paper is painted with a brush stroke made from a gypsum stone. I crush rock into a pebble and then with a mortar and pestle grind it into a powder, and later a glass […]

Vaucluse house tassels and trimmings


Vaucluse House tassels and trimmings Essential to any historical furnishings project are the passementeries, or trimmings – bullion fringes, ropes, gimp, hangers and tassels. Some of the trimmings for this project were imported from France, while many others were custom-made for us by artisan Morrison Polkinghorne in Cambodia. The tassels for the box ottomans were […]

Workshop and Artist talk


Workshop and Artist talk The S’Art Urban Art Festival runs now in Battambang, and I am conducting two workshops at Bric-a-Brac during the week-long event. Attendance is free and no reservaitons required… just rock up!Friday 31 May 1:30-3pmI explain classic European tassels, fringe and cord making.  Saturday 1 June from 5-6:30pm It’s all about  my […]

tassels and embellishments
for Vaucluse house


Tassels and embellishments for Vacluse House One of Australia’s most prestigious colonial properties, Vaucluse house in Sydney, has  a revamp! We at Passementeries were asked to help in the reconstruction, specifically crafting sixty tassels and three hundred embellishments for the drawing room , all based on original 19th century designs. We reproduced the tassels from original prototypes […]