Morrison Polkinghorne

Archive by Author

Workshop and Artist talk


The S’Art Urban Art Festival runs now in Battambang, and I am conducting two workshops at Bric-a-Brac during the week-long event. Attendance is free and no reservaitons required… just rock up! Friday 31 May 1:30-3pmI explain classic European tassels, fringe and cord making.   Saturday 1 June from 5-6:30pm It’s all about  my lotus ink […]

tassels and embellishments
for Vaucluse house


One of Australia’s most prestigious colonial properties, Vaucluse house in Sydney, has  a revamp! We at Passementeries were asked to help in the reconstruction, specifically crafting sixty tassels and three hundred embellishments for the drawing room , all based on original 19th century designs. We reproduced the tassels from original prototypes at Sydney Living Museums archives of their Caroline […]

new tools for Vaucluse House


When I got the go ahead to work on the new Vaucluse house renovations, the first thing we needed to do was to make some new tools. Part of making tassels incorporates wrapping beads which can either be wrapped horizontally or vertically. Wrapping vertically is done by hand, but horizontally it is virtually impossible to hand wrap the threads straight. The use […]

revamping jute trimmings


In the early 90’s I started my tassel career making trendy, contemporary jute trimmings, tassels braids fringes and cords. Then the fad faded, but not totally. This past year Passementeries has been approached to create new and exciting contemporary jute projects. In the process we’ve developed stunningly new creations. Natural fiber has always had a […]