April 13th, 2019​
400,000 Lotus impressions​

It was Cambodian New Years, a major holiday in mid April; and I was alone, with no staff, clients nor my other half. Just me and my lotus stalks. As I started my work there was only 138 impressions left to reach my 400,000 goal. Nearing half a million. 

So, to mark the occasion I decided to revise one of my favorite themes: 3 river delta. I love this work, as I had already painted the subject several times. Completing todays piece came to a total of 5228 lotus impressions, making my total to date 405,090 strokes.

400,000th impression
42nd line from bottom
8 marks from the left

l o t u s - c o u n t s

as of 15 July, 2024 I've created a total off 686,544 lotus marks  


n e w s
International Artist Award

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