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A void has immense power, like micro-sized pin-dots in fabric, my pinprick – or pin poked –  art,  weaves a design of something from nothingness.

Every single brush stroke in this artwork is important, and this work is made from thousands of individual impressions. As we go through our daily life, a positive vibration is what I seek and vibrating my inner core with a positivity is a daily practice of mine. When I produced this series the first thing I do is offer a prayer and reflect on my vibration. I try to emanate from my core a vibration of gratitude and love. Making and creating this series is a wonderful practice of gratitude for me.
Singapore map with 11,454 pin point

50 x 35cm
19.7″ x 13.8″


“This work is a profoundly fitting tribute to life. Each molecule of ink, each brush and the mark it leaves is imbued with Morrison’s loving energy and mindfulness.  The image teems with humanity and spirit.”

Wendy Reid

I commence this work with a single layer of brush strokes, and then a second and a third. Eventually the page fills with ink with each consecutive layer, some times up to 17 layers of ink.

As the layers fill the page I start to see areas that are darker and some lighter. With the final layer the work tells me when it is completed and it is ready.
Every single thought is important, keep your vibrations positive. Don’t tune into the negativity.
13,150 Pin Points

Pin Points on kookie wash and 13,500 pin points


The process of manually creating my colors takes time, but are produced with love and gratitude, and using classic time-worn techniques I have learnt through my myriad travels and life in SE Asia.

The orange is made from Battambang roof tiles and the black is made from my lotus ink.
This series is painted with a feather brush that I made from feathers I found at Angkor Wat.

lotus ink on watercolor paper
50 x 35cm
19.7″ x 13.8″
june 2020



l o t u s - c o u n t s

as of 15 July, 2024 I've created a total off 686,544 lotus marks  


n e w s
International Artist Award

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